
In the children's ministry, we believe God has entrusted you as parents with the special privilege of raising and training your children. We are dedicated to the task of assisting you in your God-given role. We strive to encourage memorization and understanding of the Bible, to teach about God's love and care in practical ways, and to provide opportunities for social interaction and cooperation for your children.

The mission of the children's ministry is to provide a safe and fun-filled environment for children to grow spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically in order to develop a vibrant relationship with God and their fellowmen. Our mission is based on Luke 2:52 where our Lord Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.

We offer several children's programs throughout the year for all ages. These programs include:

Weekly Activities:
Kidz Church   |   Sunday School   |  Awana

Summer Events:

Kidz Kamp

Vacation Bible School