Dear FLC,
Thank you so much for your presence and participation at our first ever online AGM last Sunday April 25. We truly give thanks and praise the Lord for His goodness, provision, sustaining, and presence in our lives and in the life of our church community! God has journeyed with us and led us through a very challenging and difficult year in 2020, but we have seen His Spirit at work in unmistakable and amazing ways!
For those who were not able to attend our AGM, I would like to share with you the election results as follows. Elders elected to a two-year term (2021-2023) are: Lachmi Asnani-Ma, Justin Chan, Joyce Chen and Lester Marr. Elders elected to a one-year term (2021-2022) are: Fritz Baylen and Dat Wong. Elders who have one year remaining in their present term (2020-2022) are: Nicholas Lai and Samantha Tsui. In addition, two members (Catherine Seto and Lila Sze) are elected to the Nominating Committee to serve alongside two appointed elders and the senior pastor. The Nominating Committee will be meeting during this year to discern, pray, and nominate elders for the next AGM in 2022.
Let us continue to hear from the Lord and to follow the Spirit's leading as He guides and directs us and our church in this coming year. May God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven...amen!
In His love,
Pastor Abe
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM