Posted: Friday April 17, 2020 | 9:00 PM
Dear Parents,
Many things right now are done differently during this pandemic, including ministry. Despite what is happening, I know our God is working. Wherever you are, we can still come together as a church because we are the Church. God's people are what makes the Church and we can continue to learn, grow and worship God together even if we are not physically in the same building.
My hope and prayer for each of you, as parents, is to know the joyous calling God has placed on you - to teach and train your children to love, fear and follow Him. May God give you strength, patience and wisdom to disciple your children. And may you see this time as an opportunity to lead your children in the Word of God. May you then grow together with your children to deepen your faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ!
Please check out the resources on our Children's Ministry page that are available for you as a family to grow together in Christ.
Pastor Becky
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM