English Sunday School Class | Fraser Lands Church
Dates & Time: Sundays March 30 - April 27, 2025 | 9:15am-10:30am
Location: Banquet Room
Teacher: Pastor Ben Short
Pastor Ben will be leading a five week class looking at the book of Lamentations. This important book raises important spiritual questions about the sovereignty of God and suffering. While the modern Christian church has not delved seriously into Lamentations, it is one of the most read and treasured books in the Jewish faith.
In this class we will walk through the book, chapter at a time, seeking to understand the book in its own context. We will discuss the history, literary and theology of the book. However, this study will raise more contemporary questions that we will discuss: how to walk through a season of suffering? How to walk with another who is in a season of suffering? Why does God allow suffering at all? My prayer is that this book will both deepen your understanding of the scriptures and your walk with the Lord.
There will be some homework assigned in the class to help you interact with the book.
Tuesday to Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM