Upcoming MessageSunday, July 23, 2023 | 11am Join us this Sunday either in-person or online at our 11am Service "A Better Story: Singleness" For more infomation visit:
FLC Staffing Updates
We welcome Evan Wang who will be working as a full-time Facilities Assistant at Fraser Lands and joining our Facilities team. |
Prayer Ministry Team Training
Churches need to be a safe community where people can come with their brokenness, hurts, and burdens to receive care and ministry through a confidential, caring, equipped, and effective prayer ministry. Prayer Ministry is an important ministry for the local church to provide. Where else do you see people empowered, released and sent out to intercede, support, pray for, give words of knowledge, prophecy and pray for healing? This is frontline ministry. Prayer ministers, when equipped and released to do Spirit-led and empowered ministry, can be an effective and vital part of the ministry team of a church, both on the weekends and throughout the week. Find out more about the upcoming training event coming in September. For more infomation visit: http://fraserlands.ca/events/prayer-ministry-team-training/2023-09-01
Lytton Ministry Update
Our next trip to Lytton will be a BIG one. We have been invited again to organize a children's carnival for the River Festival on Saturday September 2, 2023. The annual Lytton River Festival is a celebration of two great rivers – the Thompson and Fraser – and their historic and present role in the community. We need about 30 to 40 people for the trip to conduct games and crafts for the event. Please consider making the trip with us. As usual, it will be a long day trip for the ministry team, but a truly rewarding experience – guaranteed! We appreciate your continued prayer for Lytton. Please contact Jamie at nolaifamily@gmail.com (778-552-3123) or Samantha at mmmcsam@gmail.com (778-999-1204) for more information and register for the trip. For more infomation visit:
General Information
VBS Volunteers Needed JMC 2023 Sunday Parking Reminder |
Upcoming Activities & Events
Thank You for Your Support
Our prayer is that lives will be transformed and the gospel will reach all nations. We appreciate your support and thank you for your faithful giving. WAYS TO GIVE For more infomation visit:
Building Completion Project Interest Free Loan
In order to reduce the amount of interest payment on our $1.45 million Building Loan, we initiated a program to allow individuals providing interest free loans to the church. Our current minimum interest free loan is $5,000. Please contact Henry Luke for more details (luke_hkb@hotmail.com). |